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Servant Leadership Article on

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

I hope this message finds you and your loved ones enjoying the best of the holiday season. As a colleague and friend in the IT industry, I wanted to share an article I recently wrote on with you and ask for your feedback. The article is entitled “Servant-Leadership for the IT executive” ( and focuses on introducing the concept of Servant-Leadership to fellow IT executives.

You see, I have already had the chance to view and participate in many different leadership styles over the course of my career to date. This experience included one organization that promoted servant-leadership, one that was relatively indifferent and one that strongly opposed the concept. While each organization produced good results, I found that servant-leadership produced the greatest, long-term and sustainable results for the IT organization. As a result, given the limited number of individuals in IT familiar with the concept, I’ve taken it as a bit of a mission to spread the awareness of this leadership style. I hope you will help by providing comments on the article or feedback directly, via email.

Thank you, in advance, for any feedback you may offer. If you are interested in more information on servant-leadership, you can also check out the following resources:

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Where Have All The Leaders Gone?

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

The following is reproduced, with permission, from Russ M. Miller, LLIF Chairman and CEO of the Performance Institute (

"The Power of Leadership"

Where have all the leaders gone? We used to have larger-than-life leaders. Public figures such as Franklin Roosevelt, Golda Meir, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer and Martin Luther King who inspired millions with their visions. Henry Ford, Thomas Edison and J.P. Morgan were equally influential in the business arena.

Those leaders and others like them are gone. Today we have fame without accomplishment, form without substance. We elevate people to leadership status not for what they did but because of the way they did it.

We need leaders today more than ever before. People spend millions of dollars attending weekend leadership seminars that promise instant leadership: Follow directions, insert anybody, and out pops a leader.

These "one shot" instant leadership seminars probably produce fewer leaders than those made by accident, circumstance, or self-invention combined. These programs may reveal skills and theorize about leadership evolution, but they cannot teach the character and vision that are the raw materials of leadership.

Your character is a key element in your self-image. Your self-image determines to a large extent the level of success you achieve as a leader. The level of success you achieve as a leader, of course, helps determine the level of success your organization will achieve.

Developing leadership is hard work. It requires time and commitment to form the core habits that make up the foundation of leadership behavior. Top athletes know that it takes time and personal commitment to develop their skills into championship form. The same holds true for top leaders. They also know that it takes time and personal commitment to develop their skills into top leadership form.

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Thanksgiving at the Office

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

Thanksgiving is over. The turkey became Turkey sandwiches, the stuffing will remain for weeks and you're likely to run out of ice cream long before the leftover pie. So what do you have to be thankful for, besides lots of great leftovers? Like most people, you undoubtedly gave thanks for your family and friends, health and countless other personal blessings. But, did you give thanks for your professional interests as well? What about your team, customers, business partners and boss?

Did you give thanks for your team? What about that night when they stayed later than normal and cranked out the project just in time to meet the deadline that you committed them to? Did you thank them then? Did you thank them this weekend?

Did you give thanks for your customers? Remember the customer that signed a big deal just in time for you to meet your quarterly numbers? How did you show them your appreciation?

What about your business partners? Remember that Value-Added Reseller that warned you about the product's limitations before you wasted money on the wrong version? When did you thank them?

Finally, but certainly not least, did you thank your boss? Remember when she pushed you to meet that tight deadline that she committed you to? You worked hard, but met the deadline and the organization celebrated as a result. You got that award for going above and beyond. Your performance review looked great as a result. Maybe even that boss you did not like, the one that did not support your idea and created a real roadblock? You still succeeded though, in part because you were stronger for their resistance. Did you thank them at all?

When giving thanks, remember, time is more precious than money. "Thanks giving" does not require purchasing food or gifts. It does not mean you must sign a bonus check or necessarily commit to a raise (though it certainly helps). No, time is more precious than money. Stop by your team member's office, visit your business partner for lunch or take that time to email your old boss and let them know how they helped your career.

Yes, even this holiday season, regardless of our economic struggles, we have plenty for which we are thankful. Certainly family, friends, health and other blessings in our personal lives are reason for gratitude. Just do not forget to show your gratitude to those in your professional life as well. Even those that challenged you. Especially those that challenged you.
"Appreciate everything your associates do for the business. Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed, sincere words of praise. They're absolutely free and worth a fortune."
- Sam Walton

On a personal Post Note. I want to thank that amazing team that knocked out a huge project, just in time for the Thanksgiving break. Now we all have reasons to give thanks for the incredible business results you delivered. Thank you all.

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Servant Leadership

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

There is a disturbing trend among business leaders today. While problems are obvious on Wall Street, the challenge is systemic. For too long organizations have enabled and empowered narcissistic employees with the "win at any cost" mentality and an emphasis on their personal success over that of their staff, customers, organization and it's stakeholders. These self-centered managers, mistakenly dubbed leaders, often produce great short-term results, through hard-driving, fear-inducing and domineering tactics. As a result of these tactics, short-term benefits are often realized through excessive cost cutting, burning out staff and often deceitful manipulation of peers. These efforts often produce great results in front of the smoke and mirrors. However, as the smoke fades and the mirrors fall, these organizations are left a shell of their former selves. As a result, the narcissistic leader's successors and direct reports are dubbed poor performers as they attempt to revitalize hollowed resources. Unfortunately, many organizations do not realize there is a better solution called servant-leadership.

When it comes to leadership, there are many named styles, variations within each style and countless evangelists and critics of each. I have been fortunate enough to work under many different styles and found servant-leadership delivers the greatest benefits for all stakeholders while generating optimal long-term, sustainable growth. As a result, I researched the concept of servant-leadership and found it to be an ideal leadership style for executives in all fields. However, I also found limited knowledge of servant-leadership in most industries*, especially information technology. Below I highlight some of the core attributes of servant-leadership in an attempt to reveal how this leadership style excels where most leaders today fail.

The servant-leader is servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead.
- Robert K. Greenleaf

Serving First
Robert Greenleaf, who coined the term "Servant-Leader", explained that the servant-leader wants to serve first, then finds leadership their optimal method of service. When the primary motivation for a leader is their own career growth, the main aspiration is not placed on the organization's sustainable growth, but on the actions that will most quickly promote that individual's success. Unfortunately, these actions often directly conflict with the methods that will generate sustainable results. This is why it is important for organization's to identify and promote individuals that seek to serve first.

There is nothing wrong with the career-minded individual. Certainly, few people are successful that care little about what they achieve professionally. The problem rests with individuals that do not understand they are a part of something larger than themselves. When one's sole or even primary motivation is their own selfish gain, they are taking their eye off the ball that is the corporation's sustainable success. The proper servant-leader therefore can, and should still pursue career growth. However, the servant-leader pursues their career aspirations as secondary to serving others - their staff, customers, organization and stakeholders.

Meriam-Webster dictionary defines Stewardship as "the conducting, supervising, or managing of something; especially: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care". Servant-leaders understand their role as a steward of the company's resources. For example servant-leaders are more likely to say "our team" than "my team", "the budget" than "my budget". Stewards recognize that resources are not given to them, but temporarily placed in their care with the expectation of strong returns. The best leaders therefore understand it is up to them to leverage those resources for optimal performance for the organization, not for their career. As stewards, servant-leaders do not possess anything the organization provides, but accept responsibility for the ROI of those resources.

One of the reasons it is difficult to find publications referencing servant-leaders is the inherent humility these individuals possess. By nature, those who want to serve first are unlikely to seek public attention for their accomplishments. In fact, the servant-leader often defers credit for accomplishments to their team, while accepting responsibilities for the team's failures. As a result, these humble individuals rarely grace the covers of Business Week, CIO magazine or other trade publications. There are exceptions though, outstanding servant-leaders like Herb Kelleher, founder and former chairman and CEO of Southwest Airlines, that still receive press coverage for their famous success. Still, the vast majority of servant-leaders understand the success is not about them, but about their organizations, their staff, customers and other stakeholders that they serve. The result is humility that contradicts the over-the-top, shameless self-promotion so dominant in narcisisstic managers.

Quick wins at the cost of future success is not an option for the servant-leader. Instead, in their role as servant first, good leaders understand that any solution that is not sustainable, is not acceptable. Successful leaders realize their track record does not end when they move on, but instead, just begins to play. The successor that was developed and ideally chosen by the servant-leader, is the final determinant in the predecessor's success. Leaders that insist team members find their own replacement before accepting promotion, have the right idea. In contrast, managers interested in self-promotion often hop around, stretch the resources to the furthest extent and leave a shell of an organization behind.

Obviously, deriving quick results is great and even necessary. Working hard and expecting your team to do the same is important. Pushing for results, stretching your team for development and driving unnecessary costs out of the system are all expectations of good leaders - especially in turnaround scenarios. The difference is that servant-leaders draw the line when cuts become too deep, excessive hours drag on too long or engineering cuts results in abysmal quality. The servant-leader does not achieve immediate success at the cost of sustainable solutions.

Continuous Development
All too often, leaders who achieve a certain level of success, feel they "made it" and cease to focus on developing their skills as leaders. Assumptions are often made that because they have "been there, done that" for positions beneath them on the organization chart, they knew all they needed to lead. In contrast, servant-leaders understand there "are no human beings, only human becomings"** and recognize the importance of continuing to develop leadership skills. In fact, most good leaders do not consider themselves deserving of the description servant-leader. Instead, most of these individuals consider themselves students of servant-leadership, striving to develop the skills, but recognizing that becoming a full-fledged servant-leader in all one does is a nearly impossible achievement. As a result, most servant-leaders are life-long learners, excellent at proactive listening and never afraid to say, "I did not know that".

Given the apparent positive results generated in the short-term by narcissistic managers, organizations could almost be forgiven for supporting and promoting these individuals into increasing levels of seniority. Almost forgiven, that is, were it not for the well known fact that people, especially leaders, are the most important factors in the success of an organization. If organizations seek long-term results, sustainable growth and leaders who are out to benefit the organization, not themselves, they need to identify and promote servant leaders.

Of course, the above examples are only a few highlights of what defines the Servant Leader. Fortunately, there are great authors on the subject that are far more astute and comprehensive when explaining what it means to live the paradox of servant-leadership. For a short presentation introducing the concept of servant-leadership and other resources on servant-leadership, please visit

* Unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about what servant-leadership is and is not, that may be proliferating this lack of awareness and support for servant-leadership. I intend to clarify some of these misunderstandings in a subsequent post.
** Attributed to the wife of James C. Hunter, author of The Servant .

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Happy Customers Tell 400 (with Blogs)

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

Those of you in customer service know that, historically, a happy customer tells 5 people, while an unhappy customer tells 100. While that was true in the past and likely remains true for verbal communication, Web 2.0 functionality is leveling the playing field. In particular, through Blogging your customers may tell the same number of people - whether they are happy or unhappy.

A recent posting from one of the country's leading ITIL consultants rained down unsolicited praise for FedEx. Although the source was a personal blog, the estimated 400 member readership contained many IT consultants, contractors and industry professionals - all of whom rely upon carriers for their business.

Now I can hear the naysayers already: "one could complain just as quickly" - and you're right. That is precisely the beauty of this evolution in communication mediums. Like it or not, your customers will hear all the big customer service stories. It used to be that each bad incident was relatively self-contained. However, this is no longer the case.

Now, emotional (favorably or negatively) customers will log onto any of the growing number of vendor-neutral customer complaint boards, the Better Business Bureau, or industry discussion forums and distribute their thoughts. If customers Blog about it, you will see that incident quickly broadcast to hundreds of readers. The internet is undiscriminating and the communication is immediate. What are you doing to manage this environment? Are you:
  • Monitoring relevant industry and consumer discussion boards?
  • Surveying your largest customer's for preferred communication channels?
  • Researching customer service incidents online for "vent-sessions"?
  • Offering your customers a direct online forum through your own site?
  • All of the above?
  • Something else?
Today's leading organizations understand these benefits and challenges. Web 2.0 savvy-leaders are addressing the response in many different ways. You must be aware of these concerns and opportunities - leveraging the processes and related technologies for your benefit and avoiding greater detriment.

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Quick Benefits of Enterprise Social Networking

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

I recently had someone challenge the benefits of social networking for the enterprise, suggesting there was no real value for such technology in the workplace. I came up with a quick list and decided to post it here:

Examples of benefits to social networking in the workplace include:
  1. Collaboration: The more your employees can find out about each other, the quicker they can share ideas. For example, if you have a large number of staff, there is a great potential for duplicating research efforts. Through digital networking, it will be easier for your staff to self-identify complimentary projects and align their efforts.
  2. Innovation: Your staff may have a great deal of common interests outside the office that could transfer into a profitable new line of business. For example, perhaps you produce electronics and an office club forms around bicycling. The result may be the greatest electronic innovation for cyclists in generations, produced by your company and not the competition.
  3. Resource Identification: Content Management systems are great, but what if your staff does not use the right search term? Identifying experts within your company can be much easier, quicker and more cost effective through networking tools than traditional, structured, data hierarchies.
  4. Stronger Community: As the famous Gallup Poll pointed out, employees with friends at work are much happier and more productive. Social networking will empower your staff self-identify individuals with similar interests, resulting in larger and stronger community within the workplace.
  5. Increased Communication: Industry experts have predicted that social networking is much like email or the web itself - another evolution in communication mediums. As a result, it is not a question of whether to adapt social networking, but when. Mechanisms like chat and forum discussions further empower your staff to communicate more effectively and in a manner that is easy to capture and compile.
These are very high-level and I suspect there will be more as I think about it. However, I will keep running list here as I come across them. If you have some to add, I welcome your comments.

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Virtual Reality Creeps in with Wii Hacks

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

I should preface this one by stating it's interesting what one's mind thinks about when you are up for a 4 AM feeding with your newborn. However, I was sitting here staring at our Wii Balance Board during this particular feeding and remembered seeing some pretty fascinating hacks online.

The Wii system itself is pretty interesting. The use of relatively simple technology that is only moderately evolved from the days of the original Nintendo's Duck Hunt emphasizes the ability of innovation in user interface to produce results as great as, or better than evolutions in graphics. But take that one step further and make these relatively simple technologies an open source platform for others to tweak and you have a plethora of opportunities for new Virtual Reality applications of inexpensive technologies.

Johnny Lee has shown how a nominal additional investment in hardware can produce a digital white board and highlights the benefits for educational institutions. He also shows how reversing the sensor bar and controller can produce a head tracking, VR helmet-like imitation. More recently, the Wii Balance Board has been hacked by guys in a German Artificial Intelligence lab and can be used to navigate Google Earth and virtual environments like World of Warcraft and Second Life. Who wouldn't love to surf, both physically and figuratively, over their city anyway?

It is fascinating how, like so many successful evolutions of technology, Virtual Reality is not hitting us overnight with some single leap in evolution like so many predicted. Instead, it is creeping in among us through the continuous evolution of innovative interface implementations.

For more material on this topic, check out YouTube Wii Hacks and / or the clips below. As a bonus, in Johnny's Lee's famous hack video below, he mentions how YouTube has really expedited the evolution of innovations like these. Roughly quoting Johnny, "In 5 months an idea has gone from experimentation on my desktop to a commercially available product."

Johnny Lee's Hack Video, including VR head sensor:

The Wii Balance Board Hacks from Germany:

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Just Released: Christian Marshall Lichtenwalner!

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

Joint Venture, Trina Weymon and Benjamin Sean Lichtenwalner are proud to announce the much anticipated release of Christian Marshall LichtenwalnerTM. Christian is the production version of the project formerly codenamed “Ichabod Hortimer”. This first release of the joint venture is the product of 9 months intensive development and quality assurance testing. Christian was fully deployed by 2:33 AM June 10th, 2008 after a release effort of 14 hours led by Trina Weymon Lichtenwalner. Mrs. Lichtenwalner is now resting comfortably at the organization’s headquarters in Ossining, New York. Lichtenwalner, Inc. is proud to announce that Christian Marshall exceeds all analyst’s expectations. For a product sample, please see below.

On a more serious note, Trina and I would like to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Mother, baby (and father) are all doing well.


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Web 2.0: Where Do You Stand?

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

Business Week (BW) recently updated one of their hottest pieces from 2005. The article was on the impact of Blogs in the workplace. As a result, the June 2nd edition of BW highlighted the positive and negative impact of this evolution in communication on the workplace.

The metrics painted an interesting picture:
  • 25% of U.S. adults online read a blog once a month (Forrester cited)
  • IBM's internal social network, "Beehive", has 30,000 employees on it
  • Twitter estimates 1 Million users now
  • Dell's service on Twitter has brought in $500k+, in new orders, in the last year
  • Splogs (Spam Blogs) now account for 90% of all blog postings (though filters catch most)
  • Technoratti now indexes 74 Million blogs (but only 5.2 Million are estimated as active)
  • Best Buy's social staff site, "Blue Shirt Nation" has 20,000 participants, most exited staff remain users
BW also had some good insights, both positive and negative, into the growing trends and impact at the workplace:
  • "Millions of us are now hanging out on the Internet with customers, befriending rivals, clicking through pictures of our boss at a barbecue or seeing what she is reading at the beach. It's as if the walls around our companies are vanishing and old org charts are lying on their sides"
  • "This can be disturbing for top management who are losing control, at least in the traditional sense."
  • "...companies that don't adapt are sure to get lots of (the downside)"
  • "...we have developed top-down reflexes that are nearly Pavlovian. We have to reprogram ourselves."
  • "(employees) may see what technologies their competitors are putting into alpha tests and get the buzz on new rounds of financing."
  • "Work and leisure, colleague and rival; they all blend on these networks."
  • "...wikis raze traditional hierarchies: An intern can amend the work of a senior engineer."
  • "Managers have to make sure that quieter employees don't lose out."
The article sums things up nicely by stating "...the potential for both better and worse is huge, and it's growing". So not unlike other developments it is all about how each enterprise manages this evolution of communication. The question is, are you leveraging this evolution in communication for the benefit of your staff, customers and company? Your competitors are probably working on it now.

Whatever happened to those companies that didn't put up a website anyway? Happy twittering.

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Achieving Your Dreams and Lessons for Life

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

Can you ask for more in a presentation? 1 hour and 16 minutes of life lessons, wisdom on achieving your dreams and much, much more. Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch, who is dying from pancreatic cancer, gave his last lecture at the university Sept. 18, 2007. Included within is a great deal of humor, optimism and lessons for everyone. There is also a real servant-leadership undertone. By the time he finishes, you feel as though you've gained a mentor. As a bonus, Randy is a professor in virtual reality - so most of us "techies" will find a lot of the references particularly familiar:

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ePhilanthropy Blogger

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that my good friend Norman Reiss has a blog focused on Non-Profit IT and ePhilanthropy. Norman has worked in the non-profit space for many years now and has developed a wealth of knowledge in ePhilanthropy.

If you work in NPO technology and / or ePhilanthropy, I suggest adding his blog to your list. He's now linked on this site as well.

Norman's Blog: NonProfit Bridge
(Bridging Technology, Communications & Development to Implement ePhilanthropy Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations)

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Fundamentals for IT Management in SMB

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

I have noticed a disturbing trend, for IT leaders (CIO, CTO, VP and Directors) in the mid-market to focus too much on the big picture and overlook the fundamentals. Sometimes, these executives that must also maintain an eye on the tactical become too absorbed in the crisis-of-the-moment and lose sight of the basics.

I was recently browsing one of the leading websites for IT management content, when there was an error in their application. The resulting screen display was the default error page for the web server (blocked out in the copy below):

Within an hour or so, the site was back up and functioning properly. Still, in that short period of time, the organization likely suffered a small impact to their credibility and provided lots of great information (web server version, database and version, method of connection between the two and application code structures) for would-be hackers. What (black-hat) hacker would not love to bring down and IT management content website?

In this case, it was an organization known for IT content that had (apparently) not yet customized their default website error pages. A simple, 15 minutes or so and the developers could have tailored the site for a more appropriate message.

All that said, it is easy to overlook these concerns. I confess, when I came across this error, the first thing I did was double check my own error page (on It is better now.... click here if you don't believe me.

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Partying with the Macbook Air

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

It's 9:30 PM, Saturday night. I am at a swanky New Haven, Connecticut party. The condo building is a an old industrial structure renovated into a hip urban, contemporary, retro-industrial living space. The apartment comes complete with walls of mixed bare brick, drywall, exposed infrastructure, tasteful, artistic lighting and elegant furniture.

My wife and I are here to celebrate a dear friend's birthday. We're surrounded by terrific people, good friends and a fantastic live band. Then I spotted it, the husband's gift to the birthday girl- a MacBook Air. I hadn't seen one up close and personal yet. "Can I play with it?" I asked, mumbling under my breath that she knows I am the "computer geek in the room". She laughs and agrees.

So here I sit in the corner of a dimly lit, great place surrounded by good people, music and food and I am blogging away on the new machine... this is bad. But, that said, I had to tell you all about this slick machine. It is well designed, I like the button response, the weight, display and sleek lines. In classic Apple fashion, it is a terrific combination of art and function. The only negative is the super-small keypad. There are a few too little function keys for my taste, but that's a minor price to pay for such a cool machine.

Okay, enough from me now. I need to get back to visiting with some great folks before everyone starts pointing and laughing at me. Oh yeah, and by the way, Happy Birthday Ayana!

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First-Time CIO (Entrepreneurial style)

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments recently published, "What It's Like to Be a First-Time CIO" an article on first-time CIO Jason Scott of Innovation Ads, Inc.. This article was a great representation of what it is like for a first-time CIO in a very entrepreneurial environment. Jason's candor in the piece and reflected management style were refreshing, even as he fended off unprofessional, negative feedback from some folks from the old hierarchy (see the article's comments). As CIO Senior Editor Tom Wailgum reflected of Jason:
...You are, in my humble opinion, the next wave of CIOs that IT writers like myself have been yearning for and blabbing about for years... You have been shaped by a wealth of 21st century technological experiences that those people who are displaying "the hate" wish they could have had. You are a product of a generation of technologists who don't play by their 20th century rules...
The article and subsequent discussion thread through comments reflected the challenges new CIOs face, especially in smaller organizations, where so many new IT Leaders get their start in the executive office. Unfortunately, it's not always as positive of a result, as many readers comments suggest. Kudos to Jason for his candor, hard work, success and effective leadership - not only at Innovation Ads but also to the IT Leadership community.

If you are an IT Leader in an entrepreneurial organization, or considering such an oppportunity, this short article is a great read.

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Team Building Across the World? No Problem.

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

I recently had the opportunity to participate in a study by the folks at IBM's Social Computing Group. I first met a member of their team (Jason Ellis) at Lotusphere 2008. There, I heard how the team used Second Life to create team building exercises. That was exciting, but it also felt a bit like, "just another cool use of virtual worlds". Still, I volunteered to help them in any future studies – and I am glad I did.

Today, our chosen team met to familiarize ourselves with the environment and try a simple game. The objective was not to begin "team building", yet, but to get us prepped for these exercises.

Shy of a few brief email exchanges with the coordinator of this event (Katie Bessiere), I had not met any of the team members before (Jason was not in this exercise). However, by the time we were done, I already had people I had never met before, providing me freebies (including a cool IBM T-shirt), suggesting hip places to check out in the world and offering advice on how to improve my SL experience. Within about 20 minutes, people were poking fun of each other (in a kind-hearted manner) and speaking like friends. So, I felt welcomed as a member of the group and registered everyone as friends in SL. Before we ended the event, several members from IBM were sharing knowledge on similar projects in the (admittedly gigantic) organization's research efforts. It was clear there was something to this concept of virtual worlds for team building and knowledge sharing.

Yet, as I mentioned earlier, we were only supposed to be preparing for the team building exercises yet to come. Perhaps that was the best part of all. None of this "felt" like team building or knowledge sharing. Unlike the "real world" (or "first life" as us hip SL'ers say), where you schedule the day for an off-site, dress in grunge clothes and march off to listen to (often) a stranger talk about how to build your team, we were doing something totally different. Our small group had gathered on relatively short notice, with virtually no extra effort (assuming you are already in SL) and were quickly chatting away, sharing stories and knowledge and yes, even team building.

There's definitely something to this. I can't wait to see what happens when we are actually building a team…

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Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

Today on my commute in, the train engineer announced that the conductor was retiring after 40 years. I would miss this guy - after all, I chatted with him almost every morning and he rides a motorcycle, which makes us kin in some circles. More importantly (and potentially relevant to you), his 40 years of service made me reflect on career spans and industry changes. This man spent 40 years working for a transit organization. Certainly, transportation has made some significant changes in 40 years, but nothing compared to Technology, I thought. Perhaps that is why so many of us love this field. I did a quick search on the history of Technology over the last 40 years, and below is what I found. The History of Computers at, highlights:

1969 - ArpaNet came online
1970 - First Dynamic RAM
1971 - The first microprocessor and Floppy Disks
1973 - Introduction of Ethernet
1974/75 - The first consumer computers (Altair & IBM 5100)
1978 - First Spreadsheet Software (Visicalc)
1979 - Introduction of Word Processors
1981 - The IBM PC - Home Computer
1981 - Microsoft MS-DOS Computer Operating System
1983 - First home computer with a GUI (Apple's "Lisa")
1985 - Introduction of Microsoft Windows and so the war with Apple begins

For the full article, check out's article.

I chatted with my fellow commuters in the IT field and we tried to uncover other industries exposed to such dramatic changes in 40 years time. We thought of several fields, but all were driven by Technology evolution first. In the end, perhaps it is change that makes all of us Techno-geeks and IT Business leaders so enthralled with our profession.

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Mashups - Not Just Maps

Benjamin Lichtenwalner, 0 Comments

It seems like the topic of Mashups is getting a lot of press again lately. Conceptually, it's nothing all that new and mashups have been around for several years. Wikipedia defines mashups as:

... a web application that combines data from more than one source into a single integrated tool; an example is the use of cartographic data from Google Maps to add location information to real-estate data from Craigslist, thereby creating a new and distinct web service that was not originally provided by either source."
With IBM's announcement of the release of Lotus Mashups at Lotusphere in January, we have another example of how Web 2.0 and web-as-a-platform solutions are presenting solutions for the early adopting enterprises. Still, the majority of mashups today seem to focus on map overlays. This is where I liked IBM's positioning at Lotusphere - while they covered the mandatory examples of map overlays, they also really emphasized data-to-data and other non-(geographic)map mashups.

I took a quick look around for some of the more innovative and popular non-map mashups and here some that stood out:

  • Love-o-Graph: Don't trust yourself, or any other dating algorithms? Why not entrust the future of your love life to a mashup driven entirely off of your name and your prospective partner? I found the future for my wife and I is "open to interpretation".
  • LivePlasma: A cool visual representation of connections between musicians, actors, films, books and so on from the Amazon API.
  • Secret Prices: A really cool site that combines data including online coupons and rebates with sales sites and opinion data.
  • Similarity Web: This site takes's "Customers Also Bought" logic and provides an impressive visualization of similar products.
  • Google vs. Yahoo: With this mashup, you can compare the results of a search as reported by Google and Yahoo.
With IBM's investment in enterprise mashups solutions, we move from one-offs and technically challenging solutions requiring programming expertise to a common business platform. Then we look at examples like those above that range from the entertainment to consumer focused. It is clear there are many great opportunities for mashups beyond the geographic maps and expanding solutions for average business person.

For more examples of mashups, check out Programmable Web. In particular, they have a somewhat dated article on increasing non-map mashups.

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